#YW4A: YWCA Palestine

YWCA Palestine is leading the implementation of the Young Women for Awareness, Agency, Advocacy and Accountability (YW4A) programme in Palestine.  Their strength is in engaging and mobilising young women, women’s rights organisations and faith partners to strengthen civil society in the country, and galvanise action to influence policies and legislation that promotes women’s rights. In the YW4A programme, Palestine’s advocacy priorities are to advocate for the draft law on domestic violence to be passed, the removal of the exception clause in the Child Marriage Law (2019), the drafting of a law on protection from / elimination of sexual harassment in public spaces, and improved implementation of national laws on local elections to ensure the inclusion and meaningful participation of women and youth.

YWCA Palestine was initiated in 1893 by informal groups of Christian women and was formally established in Jerusalem in 1918. The work of the YWCA is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and is hinged on the ability and potential of young people to be agents of change. The organisation, therefore, works to enhance young women’s access to educational and cultural activities, create and develop economic opportunities, raise awareness, and advocate for their individual and national rights. The YWCA also provides young people, especially young women with leadership and representation opportunities within the Palestinian society.

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At a glance: YW4A Programme in Palestine:

  • Country lead: YWCA Palestine (Ramallah, Jerusalem, Jericho and Bethlehem)
  • Implementing women’s rights partners at country level 
    • Psycho-Social Counselling Center for Women (Bethlehem and Salfit)
    • The Stars of Hope Society (Ramallah and Gaza)
    • Women Media and Development TAM (Bethlehem)
    • Al-Harah Theatre (Beit Jala and Bethlehem)
  • Implementing faith-based partner: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land (Old City of Jerusalem)
  • Number young women to participate in the country programme: 4,040 
  • Geographic areas of intervention: 
    • Middle Governorates
      • Ramallah and Al-Bireh
      • Jerusalem
    • Northern Governorates
      • Salfit
    • South Governorates
      • Bethlehem & Hebron
      • Gaza Strip