Join us for World YWCA Week Without Violence 2023
YWCA’s Week Without Violence is an annual global campaign held during the third week of October every year. For over 25 years, this campaign has been dedicated to raising awareness, promoting change, and enabling positive action to end violence against women, young women, and girls in all their diversity.
Join us from October 16-21, 2023, as we come together under the theme ‘Not On Our Screens, Not On Our Streets: A Movement Towards Violence-Free Communities’ taking a stand against Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV) and working together for safer communities worldwide.
YWCA is calling upon young leaders worldwide to unite in the fight against violence. Join us from October 16 to 21, 2023, to stand in solidarity with ending gender-based violence in all spaces where it occurs—online and offline. We recognize the deep connection between online and offline hate speech and violence against women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals. Everyone deserves the right to be their true selves, to explore and express themselves safely and free from violence, whether in digital spaces or communities.
Raise your voice against online and street-based gender violence! Together, we can create a world where women, young women, girls, and gender-diverse individuals are safe both online and on the streets. Share your stories, advocate for change, support one another, and report harassment when you see it online or on the street. Let’s unite to eradicate gender-based violence from our screens and communities. We present our Toolkit and invite you to engage in this cause by using some of the following resources:
- 💡 Fact Information and Data
- 🌟 How to engage in the campaign
- 🤝 Safety tips for online and street harassment
- 📄How to report incidents
- 📱 Social media templates
Join us in the fight for a safer, more inclusive world in 2023. Don’t forget to engage on social media using the hashtags #YWCALeaders #WeekWithoutViolence2023 #WWV23
Download our toolkit and contribute to the fight against GBV by sharing content in social media, planning engaging activities and/or advocating with other tools shared in this document!