Beauty from Brokenness

Since 1904, the World YWCA and World YMCA have traditionally collaborated together for the World Week of Prayer and World Fellowship. Celebrated each year on the second week of November, both organisations join efforts to produce a booklet with a theme, a set of bible studies for each day, and an annual bible reading plan so that communities around the world can come together in prayer for a specific cause linked to current realities.

While the ongoing global pandemic continues to impact our everyday lives and present new changes and challenges, the World Week of Prayer’s theme invites us to reflect on the process of healing and restoration. Inspired by the Japanese concept of Kintsugi, the theme focuses on the beauty in imperfection and sees repair and breakage of an object as a part of its story and transformation. This beautiful idea can apply to our life experiences and how we overcome our challenges and learn from them. This year’s theme also reflects on how God’s light can heal brokenness and burst through, reaching out to those around us.

As we are in the process of healing and restoration from the pandemic, we continue to serve our communities with the spirit of forgiveness and inclusiveness, ensuring dignity for all and celebrating God’s unconditional love for us during this time of renewal

Join us for an insightful conversation about the state of women’s rights, human rights, and social justice. World YWCA is a global movement that has empowered women to transform themselves and their communities for over 125 years. From war zones to refugee camps, prisons to universities, World YWCA is at the forefront of advancing social justice.

The Advocacy Toolkit Podcast is a four-part series produced by the World YWCA. It looks at successful campaigns from recent times within YWCA and the larger women’s rights movement, while talking about the stories behind them. With in-depth interviews, high quality sound editing and a visual backdrop of stunning global images, this podcast is a hands-on guide to advocacy success.If you need help advocating for change on issues such as gender-based violence, ending child marriage, and improving girls’ education, we have you covered here. Get some practical tips and some inspiring stories to get you going with your advocacy.

Every year in the third week of October, YWCAs around the world participate in the Week Without Violence Campaign– a week long series of community events promoting diverse approaches to creating a world free of violence. 

In 2021 we united under the theme Intergenerational Action for Gender-Based Violence (GBV): Co-Creating the Future” to invite local YWCAs, partners, intergenerational leaders, young women and women of all ages all to raise awareness and take action to end violence against women.

Download it and contribute to the fight against GBV by sharing the content in social media, planning engaging activities and/or advocating with other tools shared in this document!

Every year on April 24, YWCAs around the world celebrate World YWCA Day. For 160 years, YWCA leaders and pioneers have taken action in communities to make human rights a reality. For World YWCA Day 2021, we will celebrate the individual leaders that make up our powerful and longstanding global movement, the theme for this year is: “A Celebration of YWCA Leaders.”

Take this opportunity to celebrate leaders who inspired you, supported and empowered you to be a leader in your community and beyond, to be the change you want to see.

Read the tool to find more information on the theme, ideas on how to celebrate the day, and how to engage in social media with visuals and social media covers in the tool.

Dont forget to engage on social media using the hashtag #YWCALeaders #WYD2021. 

Download the toolkit in:

Listen to World YWCA and the Norwegian Church Aid Podcast for the Geneva Peace Week 2020 with young women leaders Vera Syrakvash from Belarus, Amany Abuawad from Palestine, Mary Fatiya from South Sudan & Maria Osula from Kenya discussing on Organising & Acting for Peace & Justice: Young Women Leading Change against Gender Based Violence.

This podcast was produced by Sonologue.

Listen to our Podcasts

Since 1904, the World YWCA and World YMCA have traditionally collaborated together for the World Week of Prayer and World Fellowship. Celebrated each year on the second week of November, both organisations join efforts to produce a booklet with a theme, a set of bible studies for each day, and an annual bible reading plan so that communities around the world can come together in prayer for a specific cause linked to current realities.

This year, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our world immeasurably. It has exposed unjust structural systems and demonstrated how a global emergency affects lives disproportionally, especially those who are more vulnerable to inequalities. We are therefore called upon to reflect on all the good things in our lives, and challenged to take action to rebuild a world that promotes justice, love and peace in our communities and beyond.

The pandemic has also come with new opportunities for personal and spiritual growth. It has shed light and helped us see what is truly essential in our lives, how can we rediscover ourselves and how can we best invest our time spreading kindness and supporting those in need, including investing in our own mental and physical health.

This year, the World YWCA and World YMCA- Week of Prayer and World Fellowship is an invitation to journey together under the theme: Rays of hope: creating resilient communities through practical spirituality

Download the Booklet :

For additional information, kindly contact 

Every year on April 24, YWCAs around the world celebrate World YWCA Day. It’s a day to observe our common membership and achievements in a movement that advances the human rights and leadership of women, young women and girls. It’s also a time to recognize our movement’s efforts in creating positive change for all women around the world.

Aligned with the theme of the coming World Council 2019 in South Africa, we will focus on how young women can transform and change the power structures that often dominate our societies, preventing us from achieving our human right of equality

World YWCA Day 2019 theme: “Young Women Transforming Power Structures”


The 2019 toolkit for Week Without Violence, YWCA’s annual global campaign to end violence against women, young women, and girls. The toolkit includes boilerplate language, key messages, social media information and sample language, digital assets, advocacy and media resources, and information for engaging with stakeholders. The campaign takes place during the third week in October. 

Every year on April 24, YWCAs around the world celebrate World YWCA Day. It’s a day to observe our common membership and achievements in a movement that advances the human rights and leadership of women, young women and girls. It’s also a time to recognize our movement’s efforts in creating positive change for all women around the world.

World YWCA 2018 theme is: Find Your Voice, Share Your Story!

The Toolkit

The 2018 toolkit for Week Without Violence, YWCA’s annual global campaign to end violence against women, young women, and girls. The toolkit includes boilerplate language, key messages, social media information and sample language, digital assets, advocacy and media resources, and information for engaging with stakeholders. The campaign takes place during the third week in October.